Mozart In the Jungle - Title Sequence - AMAZON PRIME
This pitch was for Amazon's Emmy award winning show Mozart in the Jungle. Amazon was interested in something that involved cymatics. I had a day to make the boards so I ran to the store the night before, bought a subwoofer, and went to work at 5am. Dropped some ink into a pan, then, not knowing for sure if it would work or not, blasted the subwoofer. These are the frames from that shoot.
My concept was to show cymatics, but to give the cymatics a much more artistic and traditional tone (rather than obstructive and aggressive). Mozart is a show about classical music being approached in non traditional ways. So the ink served as a way to illustrate the beauty of tradition, and naturally occurring art. The cymatics break up these shapes showing the energy of change in the art form.
Design / Concept / Type Animation
Rachel Brickel
Produced / Shot by
Scatterlight Studios
Chris Billig
Editorial / Animation
Alphonse Swinehart
Nate Park